Monday, October 31, 2016

The Grapefruit Vibe!

Hello guys! this is going to be short post because lately i'm so attracted to this Grapefruit vibe thing and i'm loving it even thought the summer is totally over in Islamabad but i'm still using these lip products a lot.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Liebster Award- know about ammarahblog!

The Liebster Award is a virtual award given from one blogger to another and its a great way to discover new blogs and to support the blogging community.
 These are the rules:
Thank the blogger who nominated you and link them back.
Answer the set of 11 Questions they give you
Nominate Other 5-11 Bloggers.
Tell the bloggers they’ve been nominated.
Give them their own set of 11 Questions to be answered
Show off this award on your blog using the official image

First of all i would like to thanks dr.glam (Dr. Ushna Habib) for nominating me and for giving me a great set of questions. Here are my answers:

🌿Who is your favorite Beauty Blogger?

Hye-Min Park aka PONY, i'm a big fan of her,and have learned a lot of things from her.
PS:she started as a blogger.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Salina Cosmetics Orglow Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask Review

Hello guys! finally i'm back with another review,first of all i will like to apologize for not posting a lot lately but i have too much stuff left which i will share with you guys soon.The product i'm gonna talk about today is Salina Cosmetics Orglow Instant Organic Face Brightening Mask,this mask is super popular in Pakistan and seriously i have my eye on this for a long time and finally got a chance to try it.


Salina Cosmetics is the Pakistani Beauty Brand which has already introduced their skincare and haircare line which is 100% organic.
The brand is owned by the Salina Taqi (yoga expert and co-founder of ultimate detox) .

These are some of products Salina Cosmetics have introduced till now;


🌿 Orglow Organic face mask.

🌿 ClearGlow Organic Anti Acne face mask.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

DIY Cushion Foundation

Hello everyone! here comes another diy ,so today i'm going to diy cushion foundation/bb. To me it is like must have item and i've been using bb cushions for like 2 years now and i'm totally loving it , its perfect as it is travel friendly and all you need is to stamp several times on you face and you get that nice sheer-glowy coverage,to be honest its really hard to find the cushion in Pakistan but its just i get lucky as i explore a lot.

This diy cushion foundation is about acne-prone skin,because i've never seen a diy cushion foundation/bb for acne-prone skin

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Hello everyone, hope you guys are doing well.As i'm in hometown right now and i don't have my camera with me and i really want to post about the products that i've been using lately but i just realize that swatches are super horrible,anyways will update once i'll be home. So the product I'm gonna talk about today is from my Thai makeup haul and is one of my favorite product and I'm using this product quite a lot these days but guess what odbo also turnout to be a Korean brand 😂

Sunday, October 2, 2016


There are so many kdramas that I've been watching this September and i'm skipping two of the dramas from this post 😂 will review them in October.

RATING: (10/10)

Status: completed
Episodes: 16

Oh Yeon-Joo is a surgeon whose father is a famous comic book creator. One day her dad goes missing and she rushes to his workshop to look for him, but instead finds a strange man bathed in blood. She gets kidnapped by the bloody man, which is where their story begins.
The drama takes place in 2016 Seoul, but in different dimensions that exist in parallel with one another. It’s described as a suspense romance melodrama about “a man and a woman who are living in the same time, but different worlds.”

Main Cast:

Lee Jong-Suk
Han Hyo-Joo
Jeong Eu-Gene
Lee Tae-Hwan

My Thoughts:

Its definitely going to be in my top 3 dramas of this year,the story line is super amazing and totally something new and love the cast,love their acting, love the ost.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


This is going to be the most easiest DIY which lately i'm obsess with, as i'm traveling right now i have to take this with me,its a great for acne and scars and soothes your skin,it can be used as mask or as a overnight treatment.This diy is perfect for those who are tired of all the treatments and those who cannot